What Magical YA World Do You Belong In?
Do you belong in a world of weather magic or a world of fae and fire? Take our quiz and discover your YA fantasy magical self.
Which YA Rebellion Should You Join?
Discover which YA rebellion you should join by taking our quiz!
Would You Survive on a Ghost Ship?
Discover if you could survive on a ghost ship and read Ship of Smoke and Steel by Django Wexler to see how protagonist Isoka fares on the ghost ship, Soliton.
Which YA Character Should You Solve Crimes With?
Find out which YA character you should solve crimes with by taking our quiz!
Are you a Hero or a Villain? Take the Quiz
We all love our heroes, but nothing makes a story stand out like a good villain. Of course, most of us are somewhere in between. Take the quiz to find out where you fit!
Can you identify the YA by its first line?
Test your knowledge of YA sci fi and fantasy with some of our favorite first lines!