How to Write Believable Liars
Alexis Bass, author of the upcoming novel An Education in Ruin shares tips on how to write a believable liar.
5 Favorite Suspenseful YA Reads
Happily and Madly author Alexis Bass has curated a list of suspenseful books to read!
5 Quotes to Make You Fall Happily and Madly in Love with This Book
Enjoy these five quotes from Happily and Madly by Alexis Bass!
Read an Excerpt of Happily and Madly by Alexis Bass!
Start reading Happily and Madly by Alexis Bass with this excerpt!
Tor Teen Shares Their Favorite YA Ships
Tor Teen shares their favorite YA ships!
Every Book Tor Teen Is Publishing in 2019
Here is every single book Tor Teen is publishing in 2019!